Multinational Corporations Aid Terrorist Regime In Iran: Do You Own Any Of These Stocks?

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Christopher Holton

Date Published: 2006-12-28

Millions of American investors, as well as their pension funds, mutual funds and other institutions, have unsuspectingly invested their hard-earned wealth in foreign companies that aid and abet the Islamofascist theocracy in Iran.

If you are reading this article, you’re probably one of those unsuspecting investors.

You may not directly own shares of corporations that do business in and with the Islamic Republic of Iran, but chances are your 401K, mutual fund portfolio or public pension system is invested in such companies.

Congratulations. A portion of your money is going toward arming and training Hezbollah terrorists, sheltering members of Al Qaeda, building Shehab 3 ballistic missiles, and even piecing together nuclear bombs.

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