How to Keep Your Money out of Iran’s Pockets

Whatever the actual amount migrating unbeknownst to U.S. investors from their portfolios to terrorists, it is too much. Consequently, it behooves Americans to do what we can to play a part in this financial front in the War on Terror by acting to prevent our money from being used to try to kill Americans.

Concerned Americans haven taken a closer look at company behavior in rogue states. Federal and state legislators have introduced state legislation calling for disclosure or divestment of public monies invested in companies operating in state sponsors of terror. Citizens in countless states have organized petitions and letter-writing campaigns pressing state officials to disclose investments of these companies. Student activists at Harvard, Swarthmore, Tufts, Williams, and other colleges have demanded their college endowments to disclose and in some cases divest its holdings of companies active in Sudan—however college activists are strangely silent on Iran, a nation with at least as bad a human rights record as Sudan and one that provides all forms of aid to terrorists and insurgents who are killing Americans every day.

Put simply, Americans must demand that their investments not be used to underwrite the economies of the world’s gravest security threats, like Iran.

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