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With Rep. Louie Gohmert, Luis Fleischman, Jon Iadonisi, Gordon Chang

“Unfortunately right now Frank, the United States of America is rudderless. We are leaderless. Although we have been told we don’t want some “feckless”–that was their word—agenda, that’s exactly what we’ve got.” -Rep Louie Gohmert on whether the Obama Administration understands the threat the country faces today.

Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT (TX-1), Vice Chair of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security:

  • Failed US policy and the consequences of dealing with the crisis in Syria
  • A look ahead at the Benghazi Select Committee’s first hearing on Wednesday
  • Did the Administration’s actions in Libya help lead to the chaos there today?
  • The Congressional fight against amnesty

LUIS FLEISCHMAN, author of “Latin American in the Post-Chavez Era: The Security Threat to the United States”:

  • Connections between the Venezuelan government and various jihadist organizations
  • Findings of a Judicial Watch report claiming ISIS is operating out of Juarez, Mexico
  • Venezuela’s bid for a seat at the United Nations Security Council
  • Rising anti-Israeli sentiments in the Western Hemisphere

JON IADONISI, Founder of the White Canvas Group:

  • The Islamic State’s online information campaign
  • The use of social media to spread radical Islam
  • Differences between the Islamic State and Al Qaeda in tactics and world views

GORDON CHANG, author of “The Coming Collapse of China”:

  • Doubtful prospects for Alibaba’s IPO
  • Russia and China’s energy alliance with lucrative oil contracts
  • China’s increasingly tenuous economic growth
Secure Freedom Radio

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