Dont stop with the DNI
That President Obama has accepted the tendered resignation of his director of national intelligence (DNI), retired Navy admiral Dennis Blair,...
The Center holds accountable the men and women who set national security policy, at the cabinet level and in key positions. Their backgrounds, prior position statements, testimony before Congress and decisions once in office should all be transparent to the American public. When a policymaker’s positions or decisions threaten national security, the public needs an early warning to react and defend the nation.
That President Obama has accepted the tendered resignation of his director of national intelligence (DNI), retired Navy admiral Dennis Blair,...
Newt Gingrich is among those who have noted a serious chink in the protective armor the Obama administration and Elena...
Reality keeps intruding on Attorney General Eric Holder's approach to terrorism. During recent testimony before the House Appropriations Commerce, Justice...
Controversy is swirling around President Barack Obama's choice of a young American Muslim lawyer, Rashad Hussain, to serve as his...
A ticking political time bomb has been largely obscured by official Washington's preoccupation with screwing up our health care system:...
Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to bring self-professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four of his alleged co-conspirators to...
In yet another “My, how they messed it all up!” assessment of the Obami’s Middle East peace efforts, the Washington...
Undermine our allies. Embolden our enemies. Diminish our country. If anyone doubted those nine words summed up the Obama Doctrine,...
On October 18, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel appeared on the Sunday morning talk shows and, in the...
On Wednesday night, October 21, former Vice President Dick Cheney received the Center's 20th Keeper of the Flame Award. Here...
Note: The complete transcript of the program is here. Yes, all that hand-chopping and stoning really isn't all that...
On the CBS "60 Minutes" Sunday night, President Obama tried to allay concerns that his headlong rush to get a...
During confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees, Senators always try to draw out the witnesses on their judicial philosophy and...
The Obama administration's failure to stand firmly with the forces of opposition to the mullahs' regime in Tehran is drawing...
Stopping the President's controversial appointment of Harold Koh as legal advisor to the State Department is the first major mission...
Frank Gaffney discusses Harold Koh, Yale Law School Dean and Obama nominee for State Department Legal Adviser. For more on...