The Urgent Crisis at our Border
With John Rossomando, Diana West, Joseph Humire and Michael Cutler JOHN ROSSOMANDO, Senior Counterterrorism Analyst at the Investigative Project on...
The Center holds accountable the men and women who set national security policy, at the cabinet level and in key positions. Their backgrounds, prior position statements, testimony before Congress and decisions once in office should all be transparent to the American public. When a policymaker’s positions or decisions threaten national security, the public needs an early warning to react and defend the nation.
With John Rossomando, Diana West, Joseph Humire and Michael Cutler JOHN ROSSOMANDO, Senior Counterterrorism Analyst at the Investigative Project on...
With Fred Fleitz, Bruce Bechtol, Matthew Brodsky and Kevin Freeman FRED FLEITZ, President and CEO Center for Security Policy, Former...
With Robert Charles, Harold Rhode, Gordon Chang and Suzanne Scholte ROBERT CHARLES, Former Assistant Secretary of State at the State...
With Russ Dallen, Shoshana Bryen, Rosemary Jenks and Robert Spalding RUSS DALLEN, President & Editor in Chief at The Latin...
With Peter Huessy, Grant Newsham and David Goldman PETER HUESSY, Director for Strategic Deterrent Studies at the Mitchell Institute for...
With Lawrence Sellin, J. Michael Waller, Andrew Arthur and Curtis Ellis LAWRENCE SELLIN, Author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a...
With Diana West DIANA WEST, Nationally Syndicated Columnist, Blogs at Dissecting the Anti-Trump conspiracy The impact of the Mueller...
With Fred Fleitz, Gordon Chang, Kevin Freeman and Dr. George Baker FRED FLEITZ, President and CEO Center for Security Policy,...
ELAINE DONNELLY, Founder and President for the Center for Military Readiness: Why the social engineering of U.S. defense forces is...
With Bill Koenig BILL KOENIG, President of Koenig – World Watch Daily, Publishes weekly “Koenig’s Eye View From the White...
With Cathy Zhang, Kevin Freeman, Fred Fleitz and Bradley Martin CATHY ZHANG, Vice President, Sound of Hope Media Group: The...
With Captain James Fanell, Gordon Chang, Rachelle Peterson and Bill Marshall CAPTAIN JAMES (JIM) FANELL, Retired from US Navy in...
With David Goldman DAVID GOLDMAN, Author of How Civilizations Die, Best known for his series of essays in the Asia Times...
With Jose Cardenas, Dakota Wood, Bill Gertz and Diana West JOSE CARDENAS, Associate at VisiónAméricas, Blogs at Foreign Policy Magazine’s “Shadow Government,”...
With Mark Helprin MARK HELPRIN, Novelist, journalist and conservative commentator, Former Senior fellow of the Claremont Institute for the Study...
With Mark Schneider and Robert Spencer MARK SCHNEIDER, Senior Analyst with the National Institute for Public Policy, Longtime career in...