A Defense of Western Civilization
With Mike Waller, Bill Gertz, Gordon Chang, Luke Roziak, and Frank Calzon: MIKE WALLER, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs...
The Center holds accountable the men and women who set national security policy, at the cabinet level and in key positions. Their backgrounds, prior position statements, testimony before Congress and decisions once in office should all be transparent to the American public. When a policymaker’s positions or decisions threaten national security, the public needs an early warning to react and defend the nation.
With Mike Waller, Bill Gertz, Gordon Chang, Luke Roziak, and Frank Calzon: MIKE WALLER, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs...
With Matt Brodsky, Jim Simpson, Bill Gertz and Patrick Dunleavy: MATT BRODSKY, Senior Analyst in Wikistrat’s Analytic Community: Status report...
With Enrique Altimari, John Rossomando, Fred Fleitz, and Heather Sirocki: FRED FLEITZ, former CIA analyst, Senior Vice President for Policy...
With Giulio Meotti, John Ligato, Hans von Spakovsky and Fred Fleitz FRED FLEITZ, former CIA analyst, Senior Vice President for...
With Michel Gurfinkiel, Claudia Rosett, Daniel Horowitz, Deroy Murdock, and Kevin Freeman MICHEL GURFINKIEL, Founder and President of the Jean-Jacques...
With Peter Pry, Elaine Donnelly, Tim Cord and Brad Patty PETER PRY, Executive Director of the Task Force on National...
With Paul Sperry, Sean Davis, Bill Gertz, Katherine Zimmerman and Debbie Dooley PAUL SPERRY, Editor-in-Chief of CounterJihad.com, New York Post...
With Ken Timmerman, Fred Fleitz, Russ Dallen and Faith McDonnell KEN TIMMERMAN, President and CEO of the Foundation for Democracy...
With Pete Hoekstra, Jim Hanson, Diana West and Peter Huessy PETE HOEKSTRA, Shillman Senior Fellow at the Investigative Project on...
With Jim Hanson, Chris Hull, Gordon Chang and Luis Fleischman JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President at the Center for Security...
With Phil Haney, Diana West, Jim Hanson and Gordon Chang PHIL HANEY, Retired Homeland Security Officer, Co-Author of See Something,...
With Chris Farrell, Daniel Horowitz, Colonel Richard Kemp and Ilya Feoktistov CHRIS FARRELL, Director of Investigations at Judicial Watch: The...
With Adam Kredo, Richard Pollock, Fred Fleitz and Bruce Bechtol ADAM KREDO, Senior Writer for the Washington Free Beacon: The...
With Diana West, Bing West, Jim Hanson and Okan Altiparmak DIANA WEST, Syndicated Columnist, Author of Death of the Grown Up and American...
With Andy McCarthy, Paul Sperry, Jessica Vaughan and Rick Manning ANDY MCCARTHY, Former federal prosecutor, Contributing editor to National Review Online:...
With Jim Hanson, Reverend Gavin Ashenden, Michael Cutler and Gordon Chang JIM HANSON, Executive Vice President at the Center for...