Clinton Legacy Watch # 28: ‘Peace In Our Time’ With China
(Washington, D.C.): Sixty years ago in September, the leader of the free world returned from a visit to the homeland...
(Washington, D.C.): Sixty years ago in September, the leader of the free world returned from a visit to the homeland...
By Michael WallerThe Washington Times, 06 July 1998 After years of assuring the public that no nuclear missiles are aimed...
A Case in Point: Daryl Jones’ Nomination to Head the Air Force
(Washington, D.C.): There is a singularly troubling aspect of the Clinton Administration's mismanagement of the defense and foreign policy portfolios:...
(Washington, D.C.): The Center for Security Policy (CSP) today released its fourth annual National Security Scorecard -- a valuable instrument...
(Washington, D.C.): In the course of Senate debate today on the Fiscal Year 1999 Defense Authorization bill, a colloquy occurred...
(Washington, D.C.): If it were not so deadly serious, the latest news from Iraq would be hilarious: According to today's...
(Washington, D.C.): In what may prove to be a truly historic development, Republican National Committee Chairman Jim Nicholson Sunday invited...
By Jim NicholsonThe Washington "This beautiful night, there is not a single nuclear missile pointed at a child in the...
Not since Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in 1980 has an election triggered such consternation from commentators anxious about peace....
(Washington, D.C.): Steadily, day by day, the Clinton Administration's defense of its indefensible efforts to improve China's space launch/ballistic missile...
(Washington, D.C.): In Washington, one often hears it said of conservative politicians that they have "grown in office" when they...
(Washington, D.C.): Today's New York Times features an exceedingly timely op.ed. article about the danger posed by an expansionist China,...
By William SafireNew York Times, 11 June 1998 For years, when hawkish Republicans uttered the phrase "missile defense," dovish Democrats...
(Washington, D.C.): Today, one of the Nation's most shrewd observers of the political scene and influential voice of conscience in...
(Washington, D.C.): In recent days, some of the finest minds in the United States have used the editorial pages of...
(Washington, D.C.): In today's Washington Times, a proponent of the Comprehensive Test Ban (CTB) Treaty makes what may be the...