Branding – not ourselves, but the enemy
The following is a thematic excerpt from Fighting the War of Ideas Like a Real War, the new book by...
The following is a thematic excerpt from Fighting the War of Ideas Like a Real War, the new book by...
The following is a thematic excerpt from Fighting the War of Ideas Like a Real War, the new book by...
In an open act of war, Iran Friday kidnapped 15 British soldiers in the Persian Gulf. Iran's act of aggression...
Terror's united front: Fatah and Hamas have teamed up to take the fight to Israel Anxiety and anticipation swirled through...
This has been a banner week for Syrian diplomacy. First, together with their big Iranian brothers, the Syrians were given...
The terror twins: Iran and Saudi Arabia bankroll Islamic extremism and conspire against Israel. AP photo. Israel's man in Mecca...
It is dangerous and a mistake for the U.S. to appease dictators, be they tall or tiny. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's announcement...
The general tendency of Westerners is to view global jihad as a foreign policy issue. But today it is clear...
As the world community ponders reluctantly what to do with Iran's nuclear ambitions, the mullah regime is facing a little-noticed...
One of the most difficult things in life is to draw the line between friend and foe. Take the...
Incredibly, the State Department has forced Kenya's governent to release the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, a Somali Islamofascist group. Do our...
Two trenchant articles in last Friday's Wall Street Journal shed light on the stakes should the Congress act this week...
Islamic Banking: The soft selling of Sharia Law? Some two years ago Saudi clerics issued fatwas forbidding Muslims to play soccer...
Israel prides itself on being the only democracy in the Middle East. But if we are not careful, we will...
"Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq" is DoD's latest report on America's effort to restore freedom and order to that...