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[i] Ceasar, 27.

[ii]Tokyo, Japan. US Embassy;March 15, 2005.

[iii] Fred Kaplan, Karen Hughes Sells Brand America: She’s Supposed to Market Bush Policies to the Muslim World.  Good Luck!  Slate Magazine, (accessed February 28, 2007)

[iv] Norman A. Bailey, The Strategic Plan that Won the Cold War: National Security Decision Directive 75, The Potomac Foundation, 1999.

[v] Ceaser, 27.

[vi] Human Development Reports.  Arab States 2004, available at (accessed March 20, 2007).

[vii] Ibid, 255.

[viii] George N. Sfeir, The Modernization of Arab Law: An Investigation in to Current Civil, Criminal, and Constitutional Law in the Arab World (Sand Francisco: Austin and Winfield, 1998), 11-12.

[ix] Littman, David. “Universal Human Rights and ‘Human Rights in Islam'”. Midstream, February/March 1999.

[x] M. A. Muqtedar Khan, Shura and Democracy, Ijtihad: A Return to Enlightenment, (accessed March 19, 2007).

[xi] Sadek Jawad Sulaiman, The Shura Principle in Islam, Al-HewarCenter, (Accessed March 19, 2007).

[xii] Ibid.

[xiii] Ibid.


[i] Federalist #10.

Center for Security Policy

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