Enemies Within Series: Tom Trento, John Guandolo, Philip Haney, and Clare Lopez report -What America Can Learn From Israel #WallsWork

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Center Vice President for Research and Analysis Clare Lopez is currently on a fact-finding mission to the Middle East to learn from Israel’s experiences employing border walls, barriers and fences in the service of national sovereignty.

She appeared on the Sharia Crime Stoppers program to discuss this topic alongside fellow experts in the field:

Sharia Crime Stoppers presents: Tom Trento, John Guandolo, Philip Haney, Clare Lopez, and special guest: Dr. Danny Tirza    Reporting in FROM Israel!

  • Tom Trento, Executive Director of The United West and Co-Author, Shariah The Threat to America
  • John Guandolo, Former FBI, Founder – Understanding The Threat (UTT) and Author of 2 books located here.
  • Philip Haney, Founding Member of DHS and Author of See Something/Say Nothing
  • Clare Lopez, Former CIA Operations Officer, VP for Research & Analysis – Center for Security Policy (CSP) and co-author to many books available at CSP

Special Guest: Dr. Danny Tirza, Col. (res.) Dr. Danny Tirza headed the strategic and spatial planning unit of the IDF Central Command from 1994 to 2007, in charge of the formulation of Israel’s security positions in negotiations with the Palestinians. He served as the IDF’s chief architect for the West Bank Security Fence.

Excerpt from: Forbes.com article, Feb 2017:

When it comes to planning a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, the Trump Administration could learn a few things from Dany Tirza, the man who orchestrated Israel’s barriers on the West Bank and Sinai Peninsula. 


Center for Security Policy

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