Energy | Electrical System Hardening & Backup

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Level 1

  1. Identify which government and private sector entities are the most important to have back up power systems.
  2. Stockpile a cache of mobile/portable generators that can be used for critical facilities.

Level 2

  1. Install backup power generators and/or wind/solar powered batteries at the most critical government facilities.  Encourge/regulate private sector installation of backup power systems.
  2. Harden critical generators and power systems in the most critcal government facilities. Encourage/regulate hardening private sector critical facilities/utilities.

Level 3

  1. Stockpile fuel for critical generators.  Dertermine if there are any fuel depots that can be controlled or confiscated to provide long term fuel supply.
  2. Regulate local electrical utilities to harden power plants, transmission systems, and transformer substations for EMP.