National security rating #10: Restore the Monroe Doctrine & secure borders
The Monroe Doctrine to keep other powers from encroaching in the American hemisphere had been United States policy from 1823 until the Obama administration, which renounced it.
Enforcement of that doctrine is crucial to the sovereignty of the United States, which is why restoration of the Monroe Doctrine and securing America’s borders is in the Top 10 of the Center for Security 2020 National Security Voter Guide.
While the Western Hemisphere is neither a popular campaign issue nor policy topic, it is nevertheless extremely important to US security. Therefore we include it as one of the 10 national security criteria for judging 2020 candidates.
The criteria for assessing the candidates include: views toward the Monroe Doctrine, and by extension, pushing back the subversive influences of China, Russia, Qatar, Iran, and others in the region; the larger goal of pushing the Chinese Communist Party’s economic and political influence from the hemisphere; encouragement of regional countries that still recognize Taiwan to continue to do so; assisting our neighbors to assert their own sovereignty from globalist forces and trends; partnering with large countries like Brazil and against the socialist regime in Venezuela without the use of US forces; taking back control of regional financial institutions that the US had created to reinforce the Monroe Doctrine; and finally, stopping illegal immigration into the US from across the Mexican border, building the border wall, denying benefits to illegal aliens our country, sending illegal aliens back home, and developing new ways for migrant workers and others to boost the American economy.
Joe Biden. As a top figure on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the most experienced foreign policy leader on the Obama team, Joe Biden was part of the renunciation of the Monroe Doctrine. He was passive as Communist China spread its influence throughout the hemisphere. He promoted globalist policies that deprived countries of their sovereignty and imposed unwanted cultural changes upon them that rejected Christian civilization. He did nothing of substance to oppose the Hugo Chavez/Nicolas Maduro narco regime in Venezuela. He supported the normalization of US relations with the Communist regime in Cuba while demanding no concessions. He welcomed mass illegal immigration into the United States, supported taxpayer subsidies for those living in the country illegally, and supports Sanctuary Cities.
Donald Trump. President Trump announced restoration of the Monroe Doctrine. Though his Latin America teams have been weak, he has begun to isolate Communist China’s encroachments in the hemisphere. He has urged hemispheric nations to restore their own sovereignty, but has done little to terminate Obama-Biden aid programs and policies that promote cultural Marxism and hostility to Christianity. He aided Venezuelans in a diplomatic effort to help them regain their own sovereignty against the Maduro regime but was hampered by feckless Venezuelan partners. On the positive side, he has built a strong relationship with the Bolsonaro government of Brazil, and a surprisingly productive one with the leftist government in Mexico. He installed an American as head of the Inter-American Development Bank. He decisively fulfilled his campaign promise to build a wall along the US-Mexican border to stop illegal immigration, is trying to reverse the illegal immigration problem, and has cracked down on Sanctuary Cities.
Restore Monroe Doctrine & secure borders verdict – Trump: Strong. Biden: Weak.
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