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With Diana West, Dr.Bruce Bechtol, and Kent Yalowitz

DIANA WEST, Nationally syndicated columnist, blogger at

  • The Washington Post is suddenly interested in Russian involvement in US elections

Dr. BRUCE BECHTOL, President of the International Council on Korean Studies, Former Intelligence Officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency:

  • North Korea fired Nodong Missiles into Japans Air Defense Identification Zone and Exclusive Economic Zones
  • China presumably supplying Pyongyang’s hardware

KENT YALOWITZ, Partner at Arnold and Porter Law firm, led trial team that secured $655 million jury verdict against the Palestinian Authority and PLO in favor of eleven American families injured in terrorist attacks:

  • PLO stated it was unfair for the U.S. to hold them accountable for American citizens’ death in their operators’ terrorist attacks
  • Seeking a re-hearing from the second circuit to turn over decision from lower courts
  • PLO has not denied that their members killed U.S. Citizens
Secure Freedom Radio

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