Oppose Iran’s agression and Obama’s appeasement by supporting the Center

The announcement today by President Obama, Prime Minister Brown and President Sarkozy marks a decisive moment for the West –but also another enormous failure of will by the three leaders.  Iran gets two months to do what?  Test a bomb?  Does anyone really believe that a nation that has systematically lied for decades about their nuclear ambitions will suddenly change course, come clean, and dismantle all of their installations?

And why didn’t the presidents and the prime ministers use the podium of the U.N. to declare before the world that the outlaw nation that threatens the entire world’s stability needed to be brought to heel?  Why indulge Ahmadinejad and his pal Chavez when the evidence was surely already in the possession of the president and our most important allies?  Why force Prime Minister Netanyahu to do the heavy lifting before the world?

The sad answer is that President Obama leads a coalition of new appeasers, a group that cannot summon enough collective will to do more than warn the most dangerous government on the planet that sanctions will be forthcoming if it doesn’t stop doing that which it has refused to stop doing for a decade.

The only response for a rational citizen who wants very much for the U.S. to adopt the policies of strength that may yet deter Iran and to support our ally Israel in what looks increasingly like an inevitable air campaign against iran is to support voices and thinkers in America who have been right about the nature of the iranian regime for a long time and who have been urging decisive action for a long time, and that surely includes The Center for Security Policy.

You can donate to the Center online, and you can hear its founder and president, Frank Gaffney, at the the start of today’s program.  Dig deep to help the voices of clarity which the Center supports stay in the center of the debate in the crucial months ahead.


Originally Posted at Hughhewitt.com

Hugh Hewitt
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