Securing America – Analyzing the quality of US military leadership

With Dr. Harold Rhode, Elaine Donnelly and Amb. Yoram Ettinger

DR. HAROLD RHODE, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute, Former Turkish Desk Officer at the US Department of Defense, Author of Modern Islamic Warfare: An Ancient Doctrine Marches On (2017):

  • What is the “goal” of Islam?
  • Did Israel recently attack an Iranian consulate?
  • Does American leadership “understand” Iran?

ELAINE DONNELLY, Founder and President for the Center for Military Readiness

  • The impact of DEI on U.S. military readiness
  • The importance of “cohesion” in the military
  • Analyzing the quality of U.S. military leadership

YORAM ETTINGER, Former Minister for Congressional Affairs at Israel’s Embassy in DC, Consultant to Israeli and U.S. legislators

  • The need to attack terrorism “offensively”
  • Is there a distinction between Gazan civilians and Hamas?
  • What is the number one obstacle to defeating Hamas?

Securing America TV

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