Terror-free investment hearings in DC and Ohio

This week two major events will occur which emphasize the importance of divesture from companies which invest in terror sponsors:



When: Wednesday, April 18, 2 p.m. (EST)

Where: Rayburn House Office Building Room 2172, open hearing

Subject: Isolating Proliferators and Sponsors of Terror: The Use of Sanctions and the International Financial System to Change Regime Behavior

Who: Joint Subcommittee Hearing by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade (Brad Sherman [D-Ca], chairman) and the Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology (Luis Gutierrez [D-IL], chairman). Witness include: Adam Szubin, Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of the Treasury; Paul Simons, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic, Energy, and Business Affairs, U.S. Department of State; Patricia McNerney, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, U.S. Department of State; Missouri State Treasurer Sarah Steelman, who took the first public fund in the nation "terror-free" by screening from its portfolio stocks of companies that do business in terror-sponsoring nations and others; and Roger Robinson, President of Conflict Securities Advisory Group, an independent research provider specializing in Global Security Risk and terror-free investing.


When: Thursday, April 19, 10 a.m (EST), press conference, 11 a.m. hearing

Where: Room 113, Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, Ohio. Committee hearing will follow at 11 in Room 116

Subject: Iran Divestiture

Who: Ohio House of Representatives, Committee on Financial Institutions, Real Estate, and Securities (Representative Widener, chairman). Speakers include Representative Josh Mandel who served as an Intelligence Specialist, U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, in a combat tour in Iraq; Representative Shannon Jones who serves on the House Finance Committee and Vice Chair of the Criminal Justice Committee; Debra Burlingame , sister of 9/11 pilot Capt. Charles F. "Chic" Burlingame , whose hijacked airplane was crashed into the Pentagon – she also is a director of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation; and Christopher Holton, director of the DivestTerror.org initiative at the Center for Security Policy.

What: About 400 publicly traded companies have business ties with four U.S. government-designated state-sponsors of terrorism: Iran, Sudan, Syria and North Korea. Public pension funds in almost every U.S. state are invested in one or more such companies.

U.S. public and private pension systems, university endowments, mutual funds and other institutional investors, could help fight terrorism by divesting from portfolio companies that do business with these four state-sponsors of terror. For more information, see The Terrorism Investments of the 50 States. Several states, including California, Ohio and Georgia, are considering legislation to take their public pension funds terror-free.


Center for Security Policy

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