The Chinese Communist Party virus afflicts the Trumps

President Trump and the First Lady have contracted the virus deliberately unleashed on the world by the Chinese Communist Party. They’re reportedly doing well and the prayers of all Americans should be with them, regardless of political affiliation, if only because each of us could be next.

Two thoughts occur: First, the Trumps have demonstrated great courage in conducting the nation’s business over the past nine months, taking sensible precautions but also, inevitably, considerable risks. There is, as a practical matter, no way to run the country from a basement.

Second, last night’s diagnosis powerfully reminds us that the Chinese Communist Party explicitly seeks the removal of Donald Trump from office. Having deliberately devastated our economy and traumatized our society with his pandemic, Chinese dictator Xi Jinping must be gleeful that it’s now threatening the lives of our President and his wife.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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