The contradictions of the Forum of Sao Paolo

On January 15, 2007, El Salvador hosted the XIII Encounter of the Forum of Sao Paolo (FSP), an organization that was created by Fidel Castro and Lula da Silva in 1990 to regroup the leftist forces in the region after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent failure of Communism.The occasion prompted the publication of a document, written by, among others, the Brazilian Workers Party (PT) and the Fifth Republic Movement (Movimiento Quinta República or MVR) from Venezuela.

The text is full of contradictions and lies. The most blatant consists of trying to represent the Forum as an organization of opposition to the system, when in reality its members have been in power for many, many years in a majority of Latin American countries.


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  • Corruption scandals taint Chile’s image.
  • Columbia’s Uribe advocates for military rescue of Americans.
  • Venezuela’s Chaves warns against U.S. military offensive against Iran.  Chavez is a threat to democracy in Latin America.  Venezuela bad for Mercosur, Zoellick says.  Venezuela builds unmanned planes with Iranian help.  Venezuela, Iran sign join venture agreement on cement plant.  Chavez to raise gasoline price in Venezuela.  Venezuela to buy anti-aircraft missiles.  Chavez is urged in Brazil to keep democracy.
  • Spanish mediator seeks solution in pulp mill feud.
  • Bolivia: Opposition walks out of Morales’ speech.  Uneasy peace as division in Bolivia deepen.  Close advisor of Morales sought for terrorism in Peru.  Bolivia to nationalize phone company.  Bolivia names Manuel Morales to head state-run oil company. 
  • Correa’s supporters storm Ecuador’s Congress.  Protests in Ecuador shut down Congress.  Ecuador names second female defense minister.  Ecuador reinforces fears of default.
  • Cuban TV shows Castro images.
  • Russia pledges military cooperation with Nicaragua.
  • Cartel of Tijuana members captured in Peru.
  • Brazil raid target drug gangs.

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