The implications of the UN’s open acceptance of Iran

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Recently, Iran became one of eight vice-chairs of the UN Disarmament Commission.  Claudia Rosett of Foundation for Defense of Democracies, during an interview yesterday on Secure Freedom Radio, described this as “outrageous” considering Iran is currently under UN sanctions for their nuclear activities.

Rosett goes on to discuss why Iran has been seeking posts on almost every disarmament body within the UN and how these, along with countless other posts – including governing boards of agencies such as UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) – has led to a legitimation of Iran throughout the world.

 “Iran, at the UN is anything but isolated.  It is prominent.  It is a go-to country, for countries that want to deal with the various boards and bodies on which it sits.”

According to Rosett, the legitimacy Iran is gaining through these bodies is only helping to weaken the ability to impose sanctions, diminishing our options in stopping Iran’s nuclear aspirations, and leaving Iran with more freedom to pursue their agenda.

“[S]anctions which have been the only tool that America and its allies have really been willing to deploy against Iran.  [While] President Obama says ‘all options are on the table’ it has become very hard to believe that that includes military options, especially after the Syria climb-down.”

Furthermore, Rosett goes on to discuss decades of diplomatic abuse by Iranian ambassadors, including money-laundering operation in New York that sent money back to Iran’s nuclear program.

“The Islamic government took over a skyscraper right near Rockefeller Center…  This was being, secretly overseen by a series of UN ambassadors.  The money, some of that being sent back to the nuclear proliferation and missile proliferation related Bank Melli, in Iran…  All this was overseen, secretly, by direct order of Iran’s top tyrant Ali Khamenei, by ambassadors – including the current ambassador.”

The entire interview can be found here:

Alex VanNess

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