To Tweet Or Not To Tweet? An Islamist Question

In this day and age, people post everything they do or think in 140 characters or less. Washington politicos are no different.

Mohamed Elibiary, a noted Islamist serving as a Senior Fellow on the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council spends a lot of his time on Twitter.

In many of Elibiary’s posts, he queries why some on the right question his patriotism and whether he truly has an interest in stopping terrorists. A quick example of some of his tweets can help answer this question.

Last month Elibiary tweeted his congratulations to the Palestinians for forming a unity government between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Hamas:

Moreover, in a recent tweet, Elibiary showed his open enthusiasm when the Muslim Brotherhood (founders of Hamas) announced its support for the unity government:

First, Hamas is a terrorist organization – they’ve been designated as such by the State Department and everything (#Snark). Hamas is an openly anti-Semitic, violent terrorist organization. They have claimed responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of innocent Israelis through the cowardly act of suicide bombing. Moreover, they have never renounced their interest in killing Jews and they still state that they will never recognize Israel.

Moreover, Hamas’ parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood – according to their American branches own Explanatory Memorandum – has been waging a subversive “Civilization jihad” in America in an attempt at “destroying Western civilization from within.”

This is a man who helps craft America’s counter-terrorism policies. Yet he is openly excited that an organization that wants to “destroy Western civilization” decided to support the actions taken by one of their subsidiaries, which advocates killing Jews.

Elibiary’s Islamist sympathies have been exposed in the past.

Additionally, an appropriate Twitter post for a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council to issue on a unity government with Hamas should read a little more like:

‘We need to cut off all aid to the new Palestinian unity government because they are openly uniting with terrorists.’

In fact, I’m going to tweet this out myself.

Alex VanNess

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