Whose side is he on? “Disarmed And Dangerous” reveals why America’s enemies love Obama’s New START’

Washington, DC– The Center for Security Policy today launched an innovative and interactive Youtube feature exposing the danger that Obama’s New Start Treaty will disarm America in a threatening world of many emerging nuclear powers. Disarmed & Dangerous: Stop the New START Treaty presents an inventive and interactive video guide to how the treaty, in reality, escalates the threats from China, North Korea, Russia, Iran and Venezuela.

Watch Disarmed & Dangerous: Stop the New START Treaty now.


As President Obama pressures the Senate leadership to rubber-stamp his “New START” disarmament treaty with Russia, concerns continue to mount that the accord will actually make the world more dangerous, not less.

The case is becoming stronger by the day that senators should defer action on this flawed accord until the 112th Congress is seated – affording an opportunity to explore, debate and, where necessary, correct its defects. For example, recent Wikileaks documents have revealed that: North Korea has developed a sophisticated covert uranium enrichment program; Iran has acquired from Pyongyang nuclear-capable missiles capable of reaching much of Europe; and China has enabled North Korea’s proliferation activities.

In unveiling the new video campaign, Center President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. said:

President Obama’s claims that the New START Treaty will enhance American security and make the planet safer do not stand up to scrutiny.  Neither do his arguments for a truncated debate on this accord.  Senators and their constituents need the truth about the Obama administration’s dangerous plans to weaken the United States.  To get it, they are going to have to reject the bum’s rush they are being given – and consider the Treaty when it is possible to do so in a careful and constitutionally appropriate way, namely next year.


Center for Security Policy

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