CSP Daily Brief: Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The Latest From the Center… The Americas Report: Argentinean President Kirchner forges closer ties with Iran at the expense of...
The Latest From the Center… The Americas Report: Argentinean President Kirchner forges closer ties with Iran at the expense of...
Sixty-seven senators yesterday showed contempt for the American people, for the rule of law and for the national security. They...
With Jon Kyl, Rosemary Jenks, Seth Cropsey, Gordon Chang Senator JON KYL, gives an in depth summary of Obama's plans...
Recently, the Argentinean federal prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, who is in charge of the investigation of the 1994 terrorist attack against...
The Latest From the Center… Frank Gaffney’s Weekly Article: The Senate's Serial Contempt Caroline Glick: Jewish civil rights and privatization LATMA:...
Contempt of Congress used to be a serious offense. Those who were accused of it faced prosecution, fines and perhaps...
Whether Edward Snowden is a traitor seems to have been settled. The former National Security Agency contractor who divulged highly...
With Rep. Doug Lamborn, Fred Grandy, Ilan Berman, Bill Gertz CONGRESSMAN DOUG LAMBORN, of the 5th district of Colorado and...
The Latest From the Center… Press Release: Wolf to Boehner: Establish a select committee on Benghazi before one-year Anniversary of...
The London Daily Mail reports that a deadly new virus has broken out in Saudi Arabia. Sixty percent of those...
With John Wohlsetter, Fred Fleitz, Fred Rustmann, Matthew Continetti JOHN WOHLSETTER, of the Seattle based think tank The Discovery Institute,...
The Latest From the Center… Frank Gaffney’s Weekly Article: Doing something about space weather …and From our Colleagues Robert Zarate...
There is something deeply disturbing about the fact that President Obama chose a foreign venue to announce that he is...
Washington, D.C. (June 19, 2013) – Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) today continued to push for the establishment of a Select...
In Berlin today, President Obama will invite Russia once again to join him in what he likes to call “ridding...
It’s among the greatest threats facing America today, U.S. Congressman Trent Franks states bluntly: a tremendous electromagnetic pulse, either naturally...