All is Not Well in Venezuelan and U.S. Relations
With Christian Whiton, Bill Gertz, Daniel Pipes, Luis Fleischman CHRISTIAN WHITON, of the DC International Advisory and former State Department...
With Christian Whiton, Bill Gertz, Daniel Pipes, Luis Fleischman CHRISTIAN WHITON, of the DC International Advisory and former State Department...
This editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal ( perfectly captures my sense of the tempest unleashed by one of what...
The Latest From the Center… Caroline Glick: Wounded...and dangerous Shariah Finance Watch: More Clear Evidence of the Zakat-Violent Jihad Connection...
Barack Obama and his Chinese counterpart will spend “quality time” together over the next two days. The U.S. president’s handlers...
With Patrick Poole PATRICK POOLE, of PJ Media, joins Frank for a special one hour show to discuss his newly...
The Latest From the Center… Press Release: “Obama’s Inspector General Negligence” – Schmitz in the Wall Street Journal; Center Releases...
The proverbial deck chairs were officially rearranged yesterday on Team Obama’s Titanic. Tom Donilon, a Democratic political operative with negligible...
With Richard Fisher, Henry Nau, Diana West, Jim Hanson RICHARD FISHER of International Assessment Strategy Center, talks about the current...
Former Rep. Allen West (R-FL) discussed immigration reform, sexual assault in the military, his work with Next Generation TV and...
And so it came to pass. Samantha Power has finally made it into the top tier of the Obama administration....
Parties on various sides of the immigration in the United State have focused mainly on issues surrounding Hispanic immigrants because...
The Latest From the Center… Joseph Schmitz in the Wall Street Journal: Obama’s Inspector General Negligence Book Launch Event: Luis Fleischman’s...
WASHINGTON, DC, JUNE 5 2013 - Former Pentagon Inspector General (IG) Joseph E. Schmitz, author of the recently-published Inspector General...
President Obama’s administration has been rocked in recent weeks by a series of scandals. Its stonewalling about Benghazigate, abuses of...
With so many scandals breaking in Washington, one may well ask: Where were all the inspectors general when these bad...
With Roger Noriega, Dean Cheng, Andy McCarthy, Henry Sokolski ROGER NORIEGA of American Enterprise Institute, in response to a new...