Fred Fleitz

Fred Fleitz served in 2018 as a Deputy Assistant to President Donald Trump and Chief of Staff to National Security Adviser John Bolton. Before his White House position, Fleitz was Senior Vice President of the Center for Security Policy. He previously served in U.S. national security positions for 25 years with the CIA, DIA, the Department of State and the House Intelligence Committee staff. Fleitz also is a Senior Fellow with the Institute for Corean-American Studies, Inc.

Fleitz has extensive national security experience with the executive and legislative branches of government. Fleitz’s work for the CIA included serving as a political analyst, military analyst, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) analyst and collection officer. He supported intelligence collection to defend against WMD attacks with the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) collection projects against WMD targets for CIA and DIA. Fleitz served at the State Department for four years as Chief of Staff to the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control. In that job, Fleitz was a U.S. delegate to several major international arms control conferences, including the International Atomic Energy Board of Governors and the UN General Assembly. In his five years with the House Intelligence Committee staff, Fleitz was a senior aide to Chairman Peter Hoekstra and the committee’s expert on the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs.

Fleitz is the author of Peacekeeping Fiascoes of the 1990s (2002); Obamabomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud (2016); Putin’s Reset: The Bear is Back and How America Must Respond (2016); and The Coming North Korea Nuclear Nightmare (2018). Fleitz has appeared on many American and international TV and radio programs to discuss international security issues, including Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC, BBC, ITN (UK), Sky News, Sky News Arabia, al-Hurra, The Blaze, One America News and others. Fleitz’s op-eds and articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, New York Post, National Review, Investor’s Business Daily, the Jerusalem Post, the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence and other publications. Fleitz holds a BA in Politics from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and an MA in Political Economy from Fordham University in New York.

Stolen Nuclear Documents Confirm Iran Cheated on the JCPOA

Israel’s revelation in 2018 that Israeli intelligence agents stole a huge cache of documents on Iran’s secret nuclear-weapons program, which...