Immigration Reform: Saving 11.5 Million or condemning 316 Million?
With Mark Krikorian, Roger Noriega, Larry Wortzel, Ambassador Dore Gold MARK KRIKORIAN, of the Center of Immigration Studies, examines the...
With Mark Krikorian, Roger Noriega, Larry Wortzel, Ambassador Dore Gold MARK KRIKORIAN, of the Center of Immigration Studies, examines the...
With Robert Springborg, Clare Lopez, Andy McCarthy, Lee Stranahan ROBERT SPRINGBORG, professor of Naval Affairs at the Naval Graduate School,...
With Barry Rubin, Adam Kredo, Kenneth DeGraffenreid, Gordon Chang BARRY RUBIN, of the Gloria Center, gives a rundown of the...
With Raymond Stock, Bill Gertz, Philippe Karsenty, Diana West RAYMOND STOCK, of Middle East Forum, analyzes the current events unfolding in...
With Raymond Stock, Tevi Troy, Tom Fitton, Gordon Chang RAYMOND STOCK, of Middle East Forum, takes an in depth look...
With Michael O'Hanlon MICHAEL O'HANLON, of the Brookings Institute, spends the hour with Frank discussing his new book, Healing the...
With Congressman Jeff Duncan, Bill Gertz, John Bolton, Diana West Congressman JEFF DUNCAN, of the 3rd district in South Carolina,...
With Lt. Gen Jerry Boykin, Christian Whiton, Mark Schneider, Fred Fleitz Lt. General JERRY BOYKIN, of the Family Research Council,...
With Mark Krikorian, Roger Noriega, Barry Rubin, Michael Bastasch MARK KRIKORIAN, of the Center for Immigration Studies, pin points some...
With Jim Woolsey, Steven Bucci, Andy McCarthy, Claudia Rosett Former Director of Intelligence JIM WOOLSEY assesses Snowden’s motives behind his...
President Obama’s speech to a German audience last week in which he announced his intentions to continue pursuing a dramatically...
With Jon Kyl, Rosemary Jenks, Seth Cropsey, Gordon Chang Senator JON KYL, gives an in depth summary of Obama's plans...
With Rep. Doug Lamborn, Fred Grandy, Ilan Berman, Bill Gertz CONGRESSMAN DOUG LAMBORN, of the 5th district of Colorado and...
With John Wohlsetter, Fred Fleitz, Fred Rustmann, Matthew Continetti JOHN WOHLSETTER, of the Seattle based think tank The Discovery Institute,...
With Andy McCarthy, Roger Noriega, Michael Davidson, William Inboden ANDY MCCARTHY, of National Review Online, examines the lose of influence...
Iran’s newly elected president Hassan Rowhani is being widely hailed by the international media as a moderate and a sharp...