Murtha axes military information operations for FY2010
Congressman John Murtha, the powerful House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee chairman, has cut out more than half of President Obama's fiscal...
Iran has a plan to manipulate US Congress
The Iranian government has deployed a political warfare strategy to force a humiliating defeat on the United States in Iraq...
Former VOA chiefs oppose planned budget cuts
Eleven former chiefs of the Voice of America, reflecting the broadest political spectrum, have signed a joint statement opposing the...
Propaganda state
It's all smiles, moderation and good news in sunny Russia, now that the Putin regime is forcing radio stations to...
Al-Sadr’s new challenge to the US: Non-violence
The Iranians have been whipping the US in the Iraq political warfare game since the early weeks of the 2003...
Ridicule: a potent US weapon
Demonization of the enemy is the general default position of American message-making against international threats, but it can go only...
WSJ: “Al-Hurra more like al-Jazeera”
With the arrival of a CNN producer to run Al Hurra, the US-funded Arabic-language satellite TV channel has become "more...
Chavez indoctrinating kids
Back in 1973, Chileans were uneasy about the socialist policies of Marxist President Salvador Allende, but it wasn't until Allende...
Treacherous ‘agitation’ during war time
Why should young soldiers die when civilian leaders induce them to desert? What should be done with those treacherous leaders?...
Islamists’ creeping coup in Turkey
Decision Brief No. 06-D 14 2006-03-13 (Washington, D.C.): Arguably, among the most pressing questions of our time...
Dr. Waller’s Senate testimony on terrorist infiltration
Thank you, Chairman Kyl, and members of the Subcommittee for holding this important series of hearings. Thank you also for...
Alamoudi and those bags of Libyan cash
Federal agents may have ripped the lid off an international terrorist-support network in Washington that operated to finance terrorists inside the...
The missiles pointed at America
The Washington Times, September 24, 1996 "The democracies are in a greater danger than they have been at any time since Stanley...