EADS/Airbus Government Ownership, Protection, Intervention & Subsidies: The Effect on American Free Enterprise and National Security
46. Micheals, Daniel. “Emirates Orders 32 Airbus A380 Jetlines.” Wall Street Journal 06 June 2010, Print.
47. Waldron, Greg. “AirAsia may get landing rights at Paris Orly.” Air Transport Intelligence News. August 10, 2009.
48. “Airbus is Accused of Sweetening Jet Deals with Airport Landing Slots.” Financial Mail (UK) 09 Feb 2003, Print.
49. Lynn, Mathew. Birds of Prey, Heinemann Press. London. 1995. p. 211.
50. Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft. World Trade Organization (https://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/air-79_e.pdf) Retrieved May 14, 2010.
51. Samuelson, Robert. “The Airbus Showdown.” Washington Post. 08 Dec 2004, Print.
52. Gresser, Edward. “Time for Airbus to Keep Itself Aloft.” Progressive Policy Institute. 21 Oct 2004.
53. “The U.S. Jet Transport Industry: Competition, Regulation, and Global Market Factors Affecting U.S. Producers.” International Trade Administration. March 2007. p. 76.
54. Ibid. p. 77.
55. See 1992 EC-US Bilateral Agreement on Trade in LCA
56. “European Communities – Measures Affecting Trade in Large 57. Civil Aircraft” Dispute WT/DS316, World Trade Organization. January 31, 2006.
57. Win-Loss Analysis, https://www.boeing.com/aboutus/govt_ops/docs/wto/Win_and_Loss_Analysis.pdf
58. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1046 para 8.1(a)(ii)
59. WT/DS316/R . pg. 452 para 7.525.
60. WT/DS316/R . pg. 960 para 7.1948.
61. WT/DS316/R . pg. 978 para 7.1993.
62. WT/DS316/R . pg. 978 para 7.1993
63. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1048 para 8.2(d)
64. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1049 para 8.6
65. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1048 para 8.3(a)(i)
66. WT/DS316/R . pg. 377 para 7.314
67. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1048 para 8.3©
68. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1047 para 8.1(e)
69. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1049 para 8.3(e)
70. Clark, Pilita. Chaffin, Joshua. Weitzman, Hal “Aircraft makers both claim WTO win” Financial Times March 23, 2010. https://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/092a7554-368c-11df-8151-00144feabdc0.html
71. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1049 para 8.4(d)
72. Airbus Press release, “Airbus alerts on counter case on Boeing subsidies while WTO panel rejects US claims.” June 30, 2010. https://www.airbus.com/en/presscentre/pressreleases/press-release/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=4216&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1683&cHash=89b4801f4e
73. WT/DS316/R . pg. 1049 para 8.4(a)(b)(c)
74. EU Press release “The EU WTO challenge to US government subsidies to Boeing” March 22, 2007 https://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/07/112&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
75. Comments of the U.S. on the Response of the EC to the First Set of Questions from the Panel of Parties DS353 December 21, 2007. pg. 2. https://www.ustr.gov/webfm_send/1399
76. WTO News Release July, 7 2010. https:// www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/ cases_e/ds353_e.htm
77. Airbus Press release, “Airbus alerts on counter case on Boeing subsidies while WTO panel rejects US claims.” June 30, 2010. https://www.airbus.com/en/presscentre/pressreleases/press-release/?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=4216&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1683&cHash=89b4801f4e
78. Prestowitz, Clyde. The Betrayal of American Prosperity. Free Press, Simon & Schuster. 2010. p. 104 – 105.
79. United States. 2010 Trade Policy Agenda and 2009 Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Program. Washington, DC: , 2010. Web. 5 Aug 2010. <https://www.ustr.gov/2010-trade-policy-agenda>.
80. Pfeifer, Sylvia. “RAF’s £13bn project that nearly never was.” The Financial Times. 31 Mar 2008.
81. “Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft: Project Factsheet.” UK Ministry of Defence website (https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/tna/+/http:/www.mod.uk:80/DefenceInternet/FactSheets/ProjectFactsheets/FutureStrategicTankerAircraftfsta.htm) Retrieved May 29, 2010.
82. “Minister’s visit for £13bn deal.” The Echo (UK). 28 Feb2005.
83. Page, Lewis. “Cost-Effective Defence.” Economic Research Council. 30 Oct 2006.
84. Drury, Ian. “Warplanes unfit for war: aircraft are five years late and unsafe for Afghanistan.” Daily Mail (UK) 30 Mar 2010.
85. “Ministry of Defence: Delivering multi-role tanker aircraft capability.” National Audit Office Press Release. 30 Mar 2010.
86. Wilson, Amy. “UK and France may share RAF tankers.” The Daily Telegraph (UK). 3 Jun 2010.
87. Lea, Robert. “Flag-wrapping row fuels dogfight over air-to-air contract.” The Evening Standard (UK) 31 Jul 2003.
88. Kopp, Carlo. “A Strategic Tanker/Transport Force for the ADF.” Air Power Studies Centre Paper No. 82. March 2000.
89. “Qantas to Service Australia’s KC-30B Tankers.” Defense Industry Daily. 28 Feb 2007.
90. Pittaway, Nigel. “KC-30A MRTT due mid-2010.” Defence Today (Australia). March 2010.
91. Shalal-Esa, Andrea. “Australia happy with EADS’ work on refueling tanker.” Reuters. 24 Jan 2008.
92. “UAE to buy 3 Airbus refueling aircraft.” Agence France-Presse. 20 Feb 2007.
93. “Abu Dubai firm becomes one of the biggest shareholders of EADS.” International Herald Tribune. 5 Jul 2007.
94. Michaels, Daniel. “Emirates Orders 32 Airbus A380 Jetliners.” The Wall Street Journal. 9 Jun 2010.
95. “EADS, Adu Dhabi sign deal to make Airbus plane parts in UAE.” Agence France-Presse. 15 Jul 2008.
96. Baer, Robert. “The Fall of the House of Saud.” Atlantic Monthly. May, 2003.
97. Ibid.
98. Hoyle, Craig. “Saudi Arabia picks EADS to supply three Airbus A330-based tankers.” Flight Global. 3 Jan 2008.
99. “Saudi Orders Three Additional A330 MRTT Tankers.” EADS Press Release. July 27, 2009.
100. “GAO Sustains Boeing Bid Protest: Agency Recommends Air Force Reopen the Bid Process.” GAO Press Release. 8 Jun 2008.
101. Allen, Rand. United States. Decision B-311344 . Washington, DC: GAO, 2008. Web. 5 Aug 2010. <https://www.gao.gov/decisions/bidpro/311344.pdf>.
102. Ibid. p. 54.
103. Ibid. p. 52.
104. Ibid. p. 38 note 54.
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