Books and Reports
Muslim Rage
By Salim Mansur. Mr. Mansur is a professor of political science at the University of Western Ontario and a syndicated columnist...
Mexico’s immigration law: Let’s try it here at home
By J. Michael Waller Mexicohas a radical idea for a rational immigration policy that most Americans would love. However, Mexican...
Why US Intelligence is Inadequate
By Angelo M. Codevilla Dr. Codevilla is a professor of international relations at Boston University, a fellow of the Claremont Institute...
Muslim-on-Muslim Violence
Prof. Mansur’s paper “Muslim on Muslim Violence: What Drives It?” is an example of the kind of analysis that is...
Grover Norquist: A Troubling Influence
This article appeared originally at Front Page Magazine with the following statement from David Horowitz: Why We Are Publishing...