Nobel Laureates in support of the letter to congress, re: Senate Bill 507
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Room E52-443 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142-1347 Franco Modigliani, (1985, Economics)...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management Room E52-443 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, MA 02142-1347 Franco Modigliani, (1985, Economics)...
(Washington, D.C.): The ranks of those opposed to impending legislative efforts to alter the time-tested U.S. patent system beyond recognition...
(Washington, D.C.): The ranks of those opposed to impending legislative efforts to alter the time-tested U.S. patent system beyond recognition...
(Washington, D.C.): Earlier in this century, the sentiment that U.S. national interests were defined by those of powerful domestic economic...
(Hong Kong): On the evening of 19 June 1997, the CBS Evening News broadcast a chilling report about an incipient...
Washington, D.C. 17 June 1997 Introduction Mr. Chairman, members of the Committee, I am the author of the book entitled...
(Washington, D.C.): An experienced career Pentagon professional, Dr. Peter Leitner, said the unsayable Tuesday in testimony before the Joint Economic...
(Washington, D.C.): Congress is expected shortly to consider President Clinton's proposal to renew for an additional year China's Most Favored...
(Washington, D.C.): Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to act hastily on legislation eagerly sought by its chairman, Senator...
(Washington, D.C.): The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote tomorrow on H.R. 400, the so-called "Patent Improvement Act."...
(Washington, D.C.): Press reports have begun to focus on a Chinese entrepreneur, Wang Jun, as one of the most intriguing...
(Washington, D.C.): On 13 March 1997, the William J. Casey Institute of the Center for Security Policy marked the occasion...
(Washington, D.C.): In 1993, then-Secretary of Defense William Perry made it clear that the Clinton Administration believed that consolidation in...
(Washington, D.C.): Proponents of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) now awaiting consideration by the United States Senate often declare that...
(Washington, D.C.): It is becoming ever more evident that the Balkans are poised once again to ignite in spasms of...
(Washington, D.C.): Last December, the Acting U.S. Trade Representative, Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, presided over the completion of a "Ministerial Declaration...