National Security Policy Proceedings, vol. 3: Fall 2010
This is the third issue of the Center for Security Policy’s National Security Policy Proceedings, a new quarterly journal.

National Security Policy Proceedings, vol. 3 – Fall 2010
This is the third issue of the Center for Security Policy’s National Security Policy Proceedings, a new quarterly journal.
From Ben Lerner’s Editor’s Note:
National Security Policy Proceedings represents the Center’s compilation of transcripts of remarks given by featured speakers at these gatherings. In some cases, speakers have chosen to submit their remarks to Proceedings as original articles. Additionally, Pro- ceedings includes book reviews of recently published national security-themed books, reviewed by eminent scholars in the field.
In publishing Proceedings, the Center has sought to provide the reader with authoritative yet accessible commentary on the most pressing issues of national security, foreign affairs, defense policy, and homeland security. Because the speakers and those in atten- dance are routinely in contact with one another and are often col- laborating on analytical and educational efforts, it is our intention that Proceedings give the reader a unique window into how those in the national security policy community convey and exchange ideas with one another, among friends and colleagues.
National Security Policy Proceedings
Vol. 3: Fall 2010
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PDF version.
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Editor’s Note
US Intelligence: A Structural AssessmentTED R. BROMUND
Scrutinizing National
Space PolicyOTTO REICH
Colombia’s Continuing
In Search of a North Korea Policy: Time to Pursue “Aggressive Isolation”JEFF SMITH
Assessing US-India RelationsMICHELLE VAN CLEAVE
National Security & the Press
A review of Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of Law by Gabriel SchoenfeldCHRISTOPHER FORD
South Asian Stability & Nuclear Weapons Proliferation
A review of India, Pakistan, and the Bomb: Debating Nuclear Stability in South Asia by Sumit Ganguly and S. Paul KapurJOHN NOONAN
No Better Friend
A review of New Dawn: The Battles for Fallujah by Richard S. LowryJONATHAN SCHANZER
A Nomad’s Journey
A review of Nomad: From Islam to America. A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- HAMAS II: The Story of Islamic Jihad on Israel’s Front Lines - June 25, 2019
- Diana West’s “Red Thread” Book Launch Featuring the Author and Panel of Experts - March 6, 2019
- Fired by the Canadian Government for Criticizing Islam: Multicultural Canada: A Weak Link In the Battle Against Islamization - October 1, 2018