Ukrainian Cease Fire In Jeopardy
Over the past few days, Ukrainian forces repelled an attack by approximately a thousand pro-Russian separatist fighters in the town...
Over the past few days, Ukrainian forces repelled an attack by approximately a thousand pro-Russian separatist fighters in the town...
Secure Freedom Radio is made possible by listeners like you. With Rep. Pete Hoekstra, Jim Hanson, Bill Gertz, Jason Matthews...
The most serious flaw in the Obama administration's nuclear diplomacy with Iran concerns its decision to concede the "right" to enrich...
Secure Freedom Radio is made possible by listeners like you. With Rep. Steve Russell, José Cárdenas, Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, Fred Fleitz...
Give the devil his due. For a lame duck president, Barack Obama is making huge progress on his declared purpose...
Secure Freedom Radio is made possible by listeners like you. With Dr. Robert Zubrin Dr. ROBERT ZUBRIN, President of Pioneer...
Recently on the Free Fire blog, there was a report on the defection of Colonel Gulmurod Halimov, the head of...
A nuclear weapons program has three legs: producing nuclear fuel, constructing a nuclear warhead, and delivery systems. Although the nuclear...
The New York Times reported in an article today that a new IAEA report indicates that Iran’s stockpile of enriched...
Secure Freedom Radio is made possible by listeners like you. With Sec. John Lehman, Diana West, Rep. Chris Stewart, Andy McCarthy...
Secure Freedom Radio is made possible by listeners like you. With Amb. Robert Joseph, Claudia Rosett, Amb. Roger Noriega, Gordon...
Washington, D.C.: Today, the Center for Security Policy released the first installment of the results of a national poll conducted...
Professor Kim Heung-Kwang taught computer science in North Korea for 20 years before he escaped in 2004. He recently sat...
Secure Freedom Radio is made possible by listeners like you. With Rep. Mike Kelly, Bill Gertz, Col. Richard Kemp, Deroy...