Safety and Security | Law Enforcement and Security

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Level 1

  1. Develop auxiliary police programs such as Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) or Neighborhood Watch.
  2. Require Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) to have a Family Care Plan in place so they can go to work during a major emergency.
    Click HERE to download the Family Care Plan.
  3. Ensure that LE facilities have backup power. Generator Considerations Document
  4. Identify all critical infrastructure that would need to be protected from sabotage. Develop security resource plans.
    (Develop a list of typical critical infrastructure that is vulnerable to sabotage. Develop a security resource plan template.)
  5. Provide regular training opportunities for residents to be trained in Firearm Safety.
    (One-pager description of a public-private effort to provide reoccurring firearm safety training for the public. Local Law Enforcement working with Civilian Marksmanship Program, gun clubs, local gun ranges, gun dealers/trainers, Boy Scout Camps, High School Rifle Teams, etc)

Level 2

  1. Develop and implement a Special Deputy Sheriff program or Reserve Officer Program.
  2. Educate law enforcement officers (LEOs) in a Culture of preparedness to ensure they are comfortable going to work during a major disaster. Disaster Preparedness Powerpoint: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
  3. Build up a Transportation Fuel Reserve Supply that can be used to refuel LE Cruisers. Fuel Storage Considerations Document
  4. Develop an Emergency Security Program of trained and equipped personnel to implement facility and utility security.
    (Include a one page description of an Emergency Security Program)
  5. Provide regular training opportunities for residents to be trained in Self Defense measures.
    (One-pager description of possible self-defense topics and resources – boxing, martial arts, defensive firearms training, etc)

Level 3

  1. Build a relationship with the State Defense Force (if established).
  2. Evaluate LEOs in how well they are prepared for a Catastrophic Disaster. Download Preparedness Evaluation form 
  3. EMP protect the LE Cruisers.
  4. Provide off-grid capability for the Emergency Security Program.
    (Develop a checklist for off grid ideas)
  5. Organize neighborhood security patrols using trained and equipped citizens or State Defense Force members.
    (One-pager description of patrol purpose, tactics, rules of engagement, etc)